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Algebra 2




A. Units Taught


  • Equations and Inequalities

  • Linear functions and relations

  • System of equations and inequalities

  • Quadratic functions

  • Polynomial functions

  • Inverse and radical functions

  • Exponential and radical relations

  • Conic Sections

  • Trigonometric functions





Should be brought everyday!

         *  Textbook                                                                                          

         *  Lined paper with pencil or pen                                                     

         *  Basic calculator – (a scientific maybe helpful for certain topics)





Grades will be updated on Monday’s (at a minimum) on infinite campus. Contact the office if you forgot your username and password. A tentative weekly assignment and test schedule will be posted on Google Classroom. If there are number of people that are absent from a class, I will record the lesson and put it a on Google Classroom.





           Homework – Will be given almost everyday. Each assignment is worth 5 points. You will receive all 5 points if is complete, and work is shown. Your homework grade will be 10% of your overall grade.



           Accountability - Each teacher will have a category in their gradebook known as “Accountability”.  This category is designed to reflect whether a student has turned in assignments course by the assigned deadline.  This category will be worth 10% of the student’s total grade in the course.  Each assignment will have an accountability point and the student will earn the point by meeting the deadline or will lose the point by turning it in late or incomplete. 





          Test and Quizzes –. Most tests have a weight of 100pts and quizzes 50pts. Tests and quizzes will make up 80% of your grade. Any projects will be graded as a test. Generally there will be a mid-chapter quiz and then a chapter test. The following grading scale will be used for all tests, quizzes and for the overall grade:


Grading Scale
                    93% - 100%       A                    73% - 76%         C

                     90% - 92%         A-                  70% - 72%         C-

                      87% - 89%         B+                 67% - 69%         D+

                    83% - 86%         B                    63% - 66%         D

                     80% - 82%           B-                 60% - 62%         D-

                   77% - 79%         C+                 59% -  0 %         F




 Since the classroom is primarily a place for learning and all of

 our energies should be directed toward this end. The following

 standards of conduct will be always followed.


            BE RESPECTFUL

              BE RESPONSIBLE



 This includes but is not limited to the following rules:


< >Absolutely no put-downsBe in your seat with all your supplies (book, writing utensilRaise your hand to speak.  Listen to and look at the person who is Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.  Do your own workNo foul languageVerbal reprimand or problem is chronic a detention will be issued. If it is very serious, students will be sent straight to the office.  < >Cheating on any assignment or test will result in a zero on that assignment or test.Tardiness to class – see student handbook. Will be enforced, make sure you get a pass if you are going to be late for class. If you do not have a pass it will be a tardy.For the number of days received to make-up an assignment see the handbook. Basically you get one day more than you were gone to make up assignments. Please check Google Classroom for your assignment.If a test or a quiz is missed, it is your responsibility to make-up the quiz/test    during study hall, WIN, or before or after school. If you miss the day of a scheduled test you will be expected to take the test the day you return.  You need to bring computers everyday to class unless told otherwise. There are assignments and activities that we will do in class that require the use of a computer. If we are not using the computers for class they will remain off unless special permission is granted.Mike Vittetoe

                        PCM HS Phone:  (641) 259 – 2315




*Reminder a tentative weekly assignment and test schedule will be posted on Google Classroom. Please check it if you are absent or going to absent.

©2022 by Mr. Vittetoe. Proudly created with

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